Justin Yu Student and Researcher Résumé

🔙 to Projects

Mathworks Math Modeling Challenge

🗓 April 2018

This was a project submission to the 2018 MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge, which is a 14-hour national contest where we were asked to present a mathematical solution to the following prompt:
BETTER ATE THAN NEVER: REDUCING FOOD WASTE: This problem asked participants to quantify the costs and benefits of repurposing squandered food, and to recommend strategies for communities to adopt.
My team and I were selected as finalists, and we went to Jane Street NYC HQ to present. We ended up taking home first place! The paper we submitted was published in the SIAM Undergraduate Research Journal as A Mathematical Analysis of Food Waste Production and Redistribution.

Technologies Used






Secured the bag

During the final presentation

@ Jane Street NYC